Growing Seeds

There are a number of ways of getting seeds to germinate, but you’re best off doing that indoors because that’s where the environment is better protected. A seed needs to absorb water before it can germinate. After this imbibing of water, biological processes get to work inside the seed and it comes, as it were, … Read more

Weather forecasting

After nearly thirty years of growing canna I am still surprised by them… unexpected colours, oddly shaped flowers, but today I had another surprise. My Canna iridiflora growing in our hallway is a weather diviner! I looked closely at something shining on a large leaf, and saw that it was a small pool of water. … Read more

Thoughts on Virus from Hart Canna

(Reprint from Tuesday, 1 January 2008) CANNA VIRUS DISEASE A guest article authored by Keith Hayward, Hart Canna Most gardeners with a particular interest in cannas will by now be well aware of the advancement of canna virus which was unknown not many years ago, and which is now a worldwide epidemic. It has infected … Read more

Canna Auguste Ferrier

Back in the day, in 1997 on one of my canna-hunting expeditions I discovered Canna ‘Auguste Ferrier’ growing in the garden of an old farmhouse near La Rochelle, in western France. I negotiated an exchange with the old lady living there, where I was allowed to dig up a bit of the very large clump … Read more

Canna Social Media

Cannas and Calla Lilies Of Australia (Swap/buy/sell) Canna Collectors Southern Africa Canna Indica ‘Europe’ (bananier, agave) Planet Canna The International Canna Society The International Canna Society Buy, Sell and Trade  

Double Canna Introduced

Dr Anthony Paul in South Africa has posted on Facebook a picture of a 7 petal Canna that he obtained from Kerala in India, called Canna ‘Yellow Cart Wheel’. The name seems most appropriate for this canna revelation, which has 3 inner petals and 4 outer petals. The inner petals are the sexual petals and … Read more

Canna ‘Trinacria Variegata’

A small Italian Group cultivar; variegated foliage, oval shaped, white margin, spreading habit; round stems, coloured green + purple; spikes of flowers are reflexed, yellow and white, staminodes are large, petals red; seed is sterile, pollen is low fertile; rhizomes are long and thin, coloured white; tillering is average. Eye-catching variegated leaves, with large butter-yellow … Read more

Blog relocating.. again

The Canna News Blog is on its travels again! After the harassment from cannabis enthusiasts to the CannaCyclopedia and CannasDeBeslon web sites, I have closed those sites, and now created the Thor’s Garden site instead, in the hope that the abuse and aggression will now cease. Apparently the name “Canna” now belongs to the drug … Read more